Sunday, September 23, 2007

New Blog

I know, I know, you probably have enough blogs to read. But I started a new one that I'm attempting to update every day for a YEAR. So if you're upset that no one is posting anything new, check it out. The link is to the left on this page or you can go this way:

I've got 21 days done so far, but the idea is to have one picture for every day of the year. I'm trying to keep my commentary down since the focus is more about the photos. I think it will be fun. Hopefully I can find time to keep it up!

Here's an extra photo of Zaria trying out her new jumper:
And look who's enjoying playing the piano. Of course she looks serious as soon as I get the camera out, though.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Trying out a video post

I just grabbed this from our California trip -- this is a short video taken while in the aerial tramway.