Sunday, February 15, 2009

January pics

Zaria has been a great entertainer for the boys. She often participates when they're doing "tummy time" and demonstrates how to roll for them. We've been checking out the "easy reader" books for her lately, which she loves. She also loves to "read" to her brothers by showing them her books and telling them something about them (not necessarily the written story). Above is Xander in the Bumbo chair in blue pants, and Wesley on the floor. A nick name I have for them is "Xander Blue" and "Wesley Bear."
The boys are surprisingly tolerant of Zaria playing with them. She can be a little rough sometimes, but she tries to be gentle. She pulled Xander out of one of the swings a while ago and we didn't realize it until we spotted him nearby on the floor. She must've been fairly gentle since we didn't hear him complain at all. Still, we have been very careful to buckle them in since then.
The boys are growing so fast, it's hard to keep up. These pictures are from a few weeks ago-- last we checked on the bathroom scale, they're both around 16.5 pounds. Xander seems to be just a few ounces under his brother's weight. We'll see if he's caught up at their 4-month appointment this week.