Sunday, June 8, 2008

Life goes on

It's been a while since we've posted here since I post daily on my picture blog for this year, but it's high time we post a few outtakes and other family shots for the Sa'min family.
Jamin and Zaria on Memorial Day.
Me reading to Zaria before bedtime. She usually wants at least a couple of "tories" before she goes to sleep unless she's really tired (and not overly tired). And here are X and Y! We recently found out they're both boys and we're sure they'll be a very fun addition to the Sa'min family. These ultrasound photos were taken in early April and the boys are due in late October (though twins have an average gestation period of more like 36 weeks). I just had an ultrasound this past week, but I didn't take any pictures of the kiddos. There are a lot of pictures.