Friday, November 21, 2008

Inside out

Rewind the clock a little.
This is me the day before the twins were born, 37 weeks 3 days.
This is less than 24 hours later, just after the boys were cleaned up and diapered. How did these guys fit inside me? No wonder it was hard to get around.
And these were my prize-winning red hot chili peppers on Halloween.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Welcoming the twins

We added a couple of family members to our ranks last Monday the 13th, Xander James and Wesley David. They are wonderful babies, though we're still working on changing their sleep patterns to nighttime instead of daytime. (= Part of last night's troubles were my fault for letting Grandpa Lee hold Wesley and let him sleep in his arms most of last evening. Who wants to sleep in a crib after being held for hours and getting plenty of sleep already?

I'm also starting to wonder if the boys might be identical? Though they've looked a lot alike, I had thought one had bloopy earlobes while the other had fixed and that their noses were different, but as they're putting on weight, they seem to be getting more and more alike. Perhaps time will tell or we'll hear something from the hospital.

This photo is from Saturday. I've had a pretty easy time telling them apart until the last couple of days. Both of them have gained enough weight to surpass their birth weights, so they are growing very well.
Zaria is enjoying being a big sister and tries to help with baby care-- sometimes good, and sometimes bad. It's pretty hard to resist touching little newborns and she's usually pretty gentle, but then she also enjoys rocking them in their carseats quite vigorously or climbing on top of them to give them a pacifier when they're fast asleep. This continues to be a challenge, especially while I am recovering from the c-section and I can't forcibaly move her around. My stepmom, Dawn, has been here this week to help, so she's helped me try to keep Zaria in line. My Mom has also been around to help out. We've set up a Pack N Play upstairs and down to keep the twins safe as needed now. (=
Here's Grandma Dawn getting Xander ready for a diaper change.

Here are Grandpa Dave and Grandma Joy with Wesley and Xander, respectively.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Life goes on

It's been a while since we've posted here since I post daily on my picture blog for this year, but it's high time we post a few outtakes and other family shots for the Sa'min family.
Jamin and Zaria on Memorial Day.
Me reading to Zaria before bedtime. She usually wants at least a couple of "tories" before she goes to sleep unless she's really tired (and not overly tired). And here are X and Y! We recently found out they're both boys and we're sure they'll be a very fun addition to the Sa'min family. These ultrasound photos were taken in early April and the boys are due in late October (though twins have an average gestation period of more like 36 weeks). I just had an ultrasound this past week, but I didn't take any pictures of the kiddos. There are a lot of pictures.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Family Fun on Medicine Lake

We went to the Art Shanties gallery on Medicine Lake last weekend. Though most of them didn't actually have any fishing involved, the one below did. There was a platform above, so you couldn't actually see the fisherman above in this space where kids were looking down the hole. It was comforting to see 2 feet of ice below us, though.
I sang Linda Ronstadt's version of "Heat Wave" since it was a balmy 31 degrees outside. One of the karaoke requirements was that you had to draw a picture of yourself singing. Jamin took care of that for me and added my red scarf as a nice touch.