Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Sitting still

We were quite amazed on Easter when we arrived at my aunt and uncle's house, and Xander and Wesley sat right down in a couple of little chairs . . . and just sat there for several minutes like they were part of the "adult" crowd. The first photo is actually later, after lunch, when they discovered the chairs again and were looking up at Grandpa Lee.
Above is a picture of all the grandkids on my (Sara's) side of the family. Becca is the oldest at 5, and then we have two sets of "twins." Zaria and Trish are only 5 weeks apart cousins, and dressed alike for their Great Grandma Alpha's 100th birthday party. Then we have the twins that are just one minute apart, Wesley in green and Xander in red. Xander has a similar expression on his face to the left below, back in those great little chairs.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Look how they've grown!! The boys are so handsome.. and Zaria is a little lady!! Glad to see you're doing well!